Weird and Wacky Charities To Support

Weird and Wacky Charities To Support

Any charity work you do is work well done. Sometimes though, it’s fun to mix things up. The following three charities are fairly small and not well-known, but they have great missions and do tremendous work. The Critter Connection Did you ever wonder what happens to...
How to Teach Your Children to be Philanthropic

How to Teach Your Children to be Philanthropic

Most people who have children desire that they grow up to be philanthropic and contribute to their community. How exactly can you ensure that your child will grow up to be involved in philanthropy? There is no guarantee but the following methods have been proven to be...
Philanthropy Trends for 2018

Philanthropy Trends for 2018

When it comes to the world of philanthropy, 2018 promises to be transformational. What exactly are the philanthropy trends to look for in 2018? Trickle-Down Philanthropy Not Likely In 2018, trickle-down philanthropy will not be a big player. Because of the new federal...
4 Great Philanthropic Apps

4 Great Philanthropic Apps

It is estimated that 97% of American adults have access to a smart phone or device. That being said, it is easier than ever to use an app to donate to charity. How do you know which app or apps to use? The following four are consistently rated highest in usability and...
5 Reasons to Make Time for Charity Work

5 Reasons to Make Time for Charity Work

Why should you be making time for charity work? Besides the undeniable answer that charity work benefits the community and the people in it, there are a multitude of other positive reasons you need to make time for charity work. By donating your time to charity work...